Meaning of empty arrows in numerology

Meaning of empty arrows in numerology – Complete Guide

Do you have empty arrows in your numerology chart? If so, you may be wondering the meaning of empty arrows in numerology and whether or not they are bad luck.

In this blog post, we will explore the mystery of empty arrows and answer key questions:

How many empty arrows are there?

How to fix empty arrows?

There are many methods to fix empty arrows. See more for details.


Overview of empty arrows in numerology

The empty arrows in numerology or the lines in numerology (birth chart) are made up of horizontal, vertical, and diagonal line positions in the birthday chart.

In theory, we have 8 empty arrow lines created by pairs of numbers including:

  • Vertical arrow blank: 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 7-8-9
  • Blank arrow in horizontal line: 1-4-7, 2-5-8, 3-6-9
  • Two empty arrows formed by diagonal lines: 3-5-7 and 1-5-9

However, in reality, we are all born in the 20th or 21st century, so in the birth chart, there is definitely a 1 or 2.

So the birth chart cannot form an empty arrow 1-2-3.

So, in this content, we only consider the meaning of the remaining 7 empty arrows.

You can see the image of a birth chart showing the number grid below.

Numerology grid chart

What is a numerology grid?

A numerology grid is a tool that helps you to interpret the numbers in your life and see how they affect your day-to-day experiences.

The grid consists of 9 squares, one for each number from 0 to 9.

You can use the grid to map out your birth date, name, or any other important numbers in your life.

Each square on the grid corresponds to a particular number and offers a glimpse into the qualities that number represents.

For example, the 2nd square on the grid is associated with intuition, creativity, and harmony, while the 7th square is associated with analysis, understanding, and knowledge.

By understanding which squares correspond to which numbers, you can begin to understand how those numbers are impacting your life.

How to find your empty arrow in your numerology chart?

For example, if your birthday is April 2, 1986, you have 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9 on your birthday, then your missing numbers are 3, 5, and 7.

In the numerology chart below, your missing numbers form an empty arrow 3-5-7.

Meaning of empty arrows in numerology

What is the difference between arrows and empty arrows in a numerology grid?

In numerology, arrows represent the flow of energy between numbers.

When two numbers are connected by an arrow, it means that the first number is the source of energy for the second number.

The empty arrow represents the release of energy from a number.

So when you see an empty arrow, it means that the number on one side of the arrow is releasing its energy to the number on the other side.

Are empty arrows bad?

The empty arrows on the birth chart tell you about your personality traits.

Each personality has its good and bad sides in each particular situation.

These arrows have positive and negative levels depending on other indicators, especially the leading number. 

Therefore, you should not be pessimistic when you appear empty arrows in the birth chart.

In general, appearing empty arrows is not bad.

It is important that you know it has, its characteristics, methods to develop advantages and overcome disadvantages.

While having empty arrows isn’t necessarily bad luck, it can indicate areas of your life that need attention.

If you have empty arrows in your numerology chart, don’t despair! There are ways to fix them.

How to fix empty arrows?

There are many methods to fix empty arrows. These include methods such as:

  • Create habits to overcome the disadvantages of empty arrows
  • Change the name to fill in virtual numbers to remove the empty arrow
  • Use items and objects associated with numbers to help add to the birth chart.

In general, the above methods are effective. It will be different for each person.

As a matter of fact, the best way to fix empty arrows is by taking action and moving forward with your goals.

This may mean setting new goals or taking steps to achieve your existing goals.

You can also use affirmations and visualization to help you move forward in areas of your life where you feel stuck.

Remember, you are the only one who can create the life you want!

So get out there and make it happen!


In this article, we’ve explored the meaning of empty arrows in numerology and how to fix them.

We’ve seen that while they may not be bad luck per see, they can indicate areas of your life that need attention.

If you have empty arrows in your chart, don’t despair!

There are ways to overcome them and make progress in your goals.

Use the tips provided here or consult a professional numerologist for personalized help.

With a little effort, you can turn those blank spaces into opportunities for growth and success!

Other empty arrows in numerology

Empty arrow 1-4-7: Empty arrows in numerology

Empty arrow 3-6-9: Empty arrows in numerology

Empty arrow 3-5-7: Empty arrows in numerology

Empty arrow 1-5-9: Empty arrows in numerology

Empty arrow 2-5-8: Empty arrows in numerology

Empty arrow 4-5-6: Empty arrows in numerology

Empty arrow 7-8-9: Empty arrows in numerology

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